A short course on relaxing the Debenham Way
(Based on a collaboration with Margaret Samain and the advice of Headway and the NHS)
Guides and Recordings
It is best to familiarise yourself with ‘Abdominal Breathing’ and ‘Calming Breaths’ using the exhalation first, to become comfortable with these, before proceeding with the other exercises. There are guides for you to print out and recordings to listen to.
The benefits of relaxation and breath awareness to relieve stress and anxiety
The Benefits of Relaxation and Breath Awareness Exercises for Breathing Difficulties
Preparation for Breathing Exercises and Relaxation
Abdominal Breathing
The Basis of all Relaxation Practices
Calming Breaths using Exhalation Encouraging Rhythmic Breathing
Body Scan Relaxation Consciously relaxing Tension
A Guide to Focusing Before Watching the Debenham Lake Slideshow and Listening to Bird Song
This focus is to consciously relax your body by aiming your attention and thoughts on one thing for a sustained amount of time. The guide can be opened from here