
On 23rd April 2009 a public meeting took place which was pivotal in the way that Debenham and its surrounding villages are addressing the challenges of their ageing population.

It has led to a unique project in which our community has taken responsibility for the welfare and support of those who are family carers looking after someone with dementia, and of meeting the health and social needs of those that they care for.

In just over a year, from a standing start, it developed a comprehensive range of local volunteer-based services which “draw in” the best professional support.

The breadth and quality of the facilities are now “second to none” in the County (and perhaps the UK) and will be expanded and developed in the future.

If it is not good enough
for my mother,
it is not good enough

The project has become recognised as an example of innovation and best practice across Suffolk and beyond. It challenges the public sector to respond by initiating, encouraging and supporting its “roll out” to all rural and semi-urban communities. The Debenham Project is established and will continue to evolve and develop its caring approach (Caring in the Community, Caring for the Community, and Caring by the Community) throughout the coming years.

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