
Latest Article from Debenham Parish Magazine

Hi everyone,

Ah! Summer has arrived at last. A time to enjoy being outdoors with family, friends and neighbours. Already we have had the Art Exhibition, Open Gardens, and, especially for our Debenham Project Family of carers – those they care for, volunteers, participants, fundraisers, donors, and others who together are its very being – “The Annual Debenham Project Garden Party”. Once more Lyn and Mike Rouse were hosts to well over 100 guests in their magnificent garden just behind the High Street. Their amazing generosity in putting on this event is overwhelming. There is a scrumptious buffet and wine, music and entertainment and singalong. In fact, absolutely everything that you could ask for. And it is such a positive occasion. Each year, in between circulating and chatting to everyone, I stand to one side and spend a few moments just watching and listening and absorbing the atmosphere. I marvel at how much laughter and joy and sheer goodness there is in that marquee.

I have often been asked why we put on such an event – Is to raise funds? No – there is no charge to our guests. Or is it to promote the Project? No – there are no fine speeches. Simply put, it is to say Thank You and show just how much each and everyone involved is equally valued. I know we all go away feeling refreshed and looking forward to another year.

Of course, the running of the project – it’s activities, groups, and services – does depend upon donations and fundraising year in and year out. However, we are blessed to be in such a generous and caring community. This month, my grateful thanks go out to the “Open Gardens” for their donation of nearly £900 (Wonderful), and to Pam Vinten and The Black Barn Singers for putting on a concert in Winston Church on July 1st at 5pm (Exciting).

As ever, if you know of someone who may need a bit of help caring for a loved one, friend or neighbour, please don’t hesitate to mention The Debenham Project to them.

Lynden Jackson

Visit to The Hut, Felixstowe 2023

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