
Latest Article from Debenham Parish Magazine

Hi everyone,

As you know The Debenham Project is all about supporting those who are living with dementia to cope with the impact of the disease on their lives. Whilst there is no denying the stress, the exhaustion, the heartache, and the eventual outcome, this does not mean that there cannot be fun, laughter, friendship, enjoyment, pleasure, holidays, new experiences, and even adventures. We aim to encourage a positive attitude and not to dwell on the downsides. So often family carers and their loved ones become isolated and stop living as full a life for as long as possible. Simple things like joining a group, going out for the day, exercising, and socialising can make an enormous difference in maintaining their health and mental wellbeing as well as delaying the progression of the illness. And also knowing that when things get tough they are not alone and can share their problems with others who understand and can help. That’s what the Project is here for.

And while you have a moment, this month’s front cover picture might remind you of our article last time which talked about Megan and her “Fiddle Blankets”. They are a delight. We know that they are great for ladies, but are they quite right for gentlemen? Asking around and thinking about it, we want to make some which are more likely to attract them – blues, greys, greens and browns – zips, buttons, poppers, and flaps. Can you help? Have you any worn out trousers, skirts, jackets that you could cut them out of? If you can help please call me.

With all my thanks and best wishes,    

Lynden Jackson

Visit to The Hut, Felixstowe 2023

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