
We all know that we should do at least a little regular exercise. However, when we, and especially our older and less mobile neighbours, may be spending much more of our time in our own homes, this becomes more difficult.

Why not join in with our Exercise Club on line?

This is about making life easier for all who may be getting on in years and, perhaps, just “a bit stiff in the joints” or “a bit out of puff”, or unable to “get around like we used to”.

It is a great way to de-stress if isolation is getting to you. EASY chair-based exercises are something we can all enjoy and feel better for .

These are specifically designed to suit the tastes and needs of those who just wish for a few minutes of gentle exercise specially to ease a few aches and pains, and stresses and strains.

All you will need is a firm dining room or kitchen chair, preferably without arms

These Bite-sized Exercise Videos were specially created by our fitness instructors – Zoe George, Theresa Palmer, and Karen Pratt – for you to watch and join in with

If you have enjoyed these activities you may wish to join our regular Exercise Club. Details here

You can see a full Exercise Club session here

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